The Most Impressive Superyachts at the Monaco Yacht Show

Each September, thousands of yacht builders, designers and owners descend on Port Hercule for the Monaco Yacht Show. It is here, in the heart of the picturesque Côte d'Azur, that boat lovers make their annual pilgrimage to catch a glimpse of the world's newest - and most exciting - vessels.

This year, the hotly anticipated event took place between September 28 and October 1. And, following a summer of record demand for superyachts spurred by the pandemic, the 2022 iteration was bigger and glitzier than ever.

With over 600 exhibitors showcasing 125 superyachts, there was no shortage of incredible boats on display. So, whether you're considering taking the plunge and purchasing a yacht of your own, or you're simply here to marvel at the latest builds, we've rounded up the most impressive vessels on display at this year's Monaco Yacht Show.

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