The Unique Pink Diamond
All gemstones and coloured diamonds have to be seen with the naked eye to gauge their colour, as the first visual impression is important. Taking the colour description from the certificate alone only gives you part of the story.
Pink diamonds can encompass a variety of hues, from purplish to orangey to reddish, and this diamond has a wonderful energetic pink that seems to display a slight tinge of red, making it indeed unique. Unlike other coloured diamonds where the hue is caused by the intrusion of another atom such as nitrogen or boron, with pink diamonds the colour occurs because of the distortion or stress in the crystal structure when it was formed millions of years ago.
Pink diamonds can encompass a variety of hues, from purplish to orangey to reddish, and this diamond has a wonderful energetic pink that seems to display a slight tinge of red, making it indeed unique. Unlike other coloured diamonds where the hue is caused by the intrusion of another atom such as nitrogen or boron, with pink diamonds the colour occurs because of the distortion or stress in the crystal structure when it was formed millions of years ago.
The Gemological Institute of America grades nearly all of the world's most important diamonds and of all the diamonds submitted to the laboratory each year no more than three per cent are classified as coloured diamonds. Less than five per cent of those coloured diamonds are predominantly pink. This stone is also classified as a Type IIa which is the most chemically pure type of diamond based upon the absence of nitrogen. Only two per cent of all diamonds mined display this exceptional transparency.
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