Location: Card Sound Bay in the Florida Keys near Key Largo
Development: Developed
Size: 26 acres
4. Spectabilis Island
Price: Around 75 Millions $
Location: The Exumas , Bahamas , Caribbean
Development: Non Developed
Size: 460 acres
5. Blue Island
Price: Around 75 millions $
Location: The Exumas, Bahamas, Caribbean
Development: Developed
Size: 700 acres
6. Island In Turneffe Atoll
Price: Around 60 Millions $
Location: 716-acre Island in Turneffe Atoll
Development: Non Developed
Size: 716.00 acres
7. Cave Cay
Price: Around 60 Millions $
Location: The Exumas, Bahamas, Caribbean
Development: Developed
Size: 220 acres
8. Villa Aquamaris
Price: Around 52 Millions $
Location: French Polynesia, South Pacific
Development: Developed
Size: 4 acres
9. Royal Island
Price: Around 45 Millions $
Location: Eleuthera, Bahamas, Caribbean
Development: Developed
Size: 430 acres
10. Crown Pigeon Island & Cays
Price: Around 40 Millions $
Location: Harbour Island, Eleuthera, Bahamas
Development: Developed
Size: 11 acres
Internal Size: 12,000 sq ft
Out of Rank. Powell Cay
Price: Around 8 Millions $
Location: The Abacos, Bahamas, Caribbean
Development: Non Developed
Size: 294 acres
Out of Rank. Haines Cay
Price: Around 38 Millions $
Location: The Berry Islands, Bahamas, Caribbean
Development: Non Developed
Size: 265 acres
Out of Rank. Big Darby Island
Price: Around 35 Millions $
Location: The Exumas, Bahamas, Caribbean
Development: Developed
Size: 554 acres
Out of Rank. Little Whale Cay
Price: Around 29 Millions $
Location: The Berry Islands, Bahamas, Caribbean
Development: Developed
Size: 40.00 acres
Out of Rank. White Island
Price: Around 9.5 Millions $
Location: Grenada, Caribbean
Development: Non Developed
Size: 10 acres
Out of Rank. Serenity Beaches Resort
Price: Price Upon Request
Location: Ha'apai Island Group, Tonga , South Pacific
Development: Developed
Size: 8.00 Acres
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